Landcraft Agro has revolutionized the production of locally grown organic produce in India. Spanning over 200 acres of abundance, we are growing! And growing happy produce to provide you with the most nutritional and 100% organic fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs, absolutely Non-GMO.
Nestled in the outskirts of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, we’ve built a thriving ecosystem clubbed with high food safety standards, to grow sustainably and efficiently – just the way Mother nature would have it!
Want to dig deeper? Read all about our growing process and
techniques here –
Why and How?
We control every aspect of growing process.
From seed to store, ensuring quality and care
at every steps
Freshwater fish is
cultured in tanks,
their excreta is then
used as fertilizer.
Primary crops are
nurtured under
flowing water
Premium greens like Kale,
Parsley, Sage, Basil & Pak
Choy form the largest portion
of the yield, making it easy on
the pocket!
From staples to exotic
vegetables, we got you
covered with the highest
standards of quality
We at Landcraft Agro are devoted towards creating a sustainable farming ecosystem, through soilless growing techniques. And, how do we achieve this? Our years of research and development have yielded remarkable results; a method devised using the symbiotic relationship between crops and fish, as its backbone.
Organic fish excreta are used systematically, as the salient nutrient source for cultivation. This soilless growing technique requires 90% less water than any other traditional farming methods, hence reducing the carbon and water footprint drastically!
The goodness doesn’t end just yet, this breakthrough farming method doesn’t require fertile land either, thus making this technique highly progressive and a farming renaissance of sorts! We plan to open conversations about human as well as environmental health, whilst providing sustainable farming solutions, using modern scientific techniques to optimize productivity.
Nutrients from mustard can improve metabolism and blood pressure
A good source of vitamin K, preventing bone fractures
Chives are low in calories, provide anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals
Used in folk medicine, its nutrients help with daily ailments
Being high in antioxidants, Thyme can get rid of free radicals
Parsley’s vitamin and protein combination make it a good herb to promote overall health
This underdog of vegetables has more vitamin C than oranges
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when we’re coming to a store near you.
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